Your credit report speaks volume about you and it goes a long way in making or breaking you. This article will guide you on how remove negative information from your credit report. You might be wondering why is credit report so important, what you don't understand is that not only does your credit report determine whether you will qualify for a loan or insurance, but today many employers are using credit report as a criteria for hiring employees. Also with the craze of identity theft, someone out there could be using your information to commit crime this is why it is necessary to get a copy of your credit report
It is your right to get a credit report, therefore before you can start making any correction to your credit report, you must get a copy of it from any of the three major credit bureaus. Once you have gotten the report, go through it looking out for errors in the report which is a must, on the report look out for changes in dates, account number, missing name of creditors, incorrect balances and wrong limit.
Once you have detected all these in your report, you can dispute it, what you don't know is that dept collector usually changes dates of last action (DLA). This action is illegal and it is called re-aging and is a good dispute case on the report but if you notice more than one error as a result of (DLA) on the report do not the dispute them immediately, take them one after the other as this gives more time for dispute once the first dispute fails. The common mistake made by consumers is that they request for dept "verification" and the chance of your disputes been successful is very slim, the best thing to do is to point out what is wrong and ask it to be removed and do not go about quoting statutes unless you have a lawyer.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
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